Truth may be stranger than fiction but, let's face it, it's a lot less fun.
Which is why I have as little to do with the stuff as possible. Occasionally,
however, somebody slips in a letter which can't be answered in my smart-alecky
"Unca Mike" manner, and so, for those rare occasions, we have created this
feature, in which I answer honest questions in a straightforward manner, without
any ironic overtones at all.
A couple of ground rules, first: You're allowed to gush about how cool the
site is (these guys have done a great job here, haven't they?), but not about
my work – that's just boring. I won't offer serious writing advice. And I
don't guarantee that just because you write, your letter will be posted.
Other than that, though, everything said here is the squalid truth. Let's
not abuse it.